Welcome to the United Way Campaign!
As a Campaign Coordinator for your organization, you have a key role in making your United Way campaign a success.
Campaign Coordinators raise awareness inside the corporate walls and motivate employees to get interested and involved in the community by engaging their colleagues in a dialogue about the United Way, and the needs of the community, and creating long-term sustainable solutions to real problems. With energy and enthusiasm, they encourage participation in their workplace campaign.
Campaign Coordinators not only provide a link between corporations and United Way, but they also plan, organize and coordinate the entire workplace campaign for their company.
Whether you are a new campaign coordinator or if you’ve done this before, we hope to provide you with all the resources you will need to build a successful campaign in your company. Here, you should find all the information you might need to successfully run a United Way campaign.
You are about to begin a challenging, yet rewarding experience. We appreciate your dedication to our community through the work you do for United Way of Northwest Florida!